Call for Papers for the series Eckert. Beiträge

The peer-reviewed open access series from the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research is called ECKERT. BEITRÄGE and features high‐quality research findings from the fields of educational media and curricula research. The articles are published as monographs on the Institute’s central internet platform EDUMERES, in German or English.

The Georg Eckert Institute concentrates on the subjects of history, geography, politics, sociology, economics, religious studies and ethics, as studied in schools. In addition to exploring these academic fields and their teaching methodologies the Institute pursues cultural and educational studies approaches and seeks information technology solutions in the fields of educational media and curricula research. For that reason ECKERT. BEITRÄGE generally, but not exclusively, features works from educational media and curricula research associated with its core subjects.

Articles are published under the creative commons licence CC‐BY‐ND 4.0 and are provided with a uniform resource name which provides clear and long‐term identification for the work and renders it fully citable. In order to guarantee maximum visibility and exposure all publications are also registered with the German National Library (DNB) and Leibniz Open, the open‐access repository operated by the Leibniz Association.

Academic texts of varying lengths are accepted. The format includes short articles and also longer works such as dissertations or theses. The authors incur no costs whatsoever. All submissions to ECKERT. BEITRÄGE are subject to double‐blind peer review and are copy‐edited by our editorial team.

Works previously published in the series and in our other series are available in our Open Access Repository.

We look forward to receiving your contributions.

All texts should be sent in either Word or Open Office format to[at] Contact person is Wibke Westermeyer (westermeyer[at]